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Monday, November 22, 2010

Not safe at shenton!

Omg!!! Just now freaking scary!! I have to walk just a distance to the back door of M hotel.. And there is a few Indians or bagala was like more den 1 metre away from me.. Obviously not same direction.. Den I felt someone following me.. Just nice I heard one of them calling out loud for another one.. I turn my head and see one of them behind me like a few steps and staring at me straight and fierce! Like what the hell!!! Creeps!!! So I turn like nothing wrong and walked faster to the hotel door.. Den turn back and they went the other way... WTF!!! So dangerous!! So scary!!

pineapple signing off....
10:08 PM

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tears just want to...

Sometimes.. I guess it's like PMS.. Once in a month.. Things happen and you would just have the mood to cry..

Listening to sad, heart broken music.. Plus that moment.. You will just wished for a no people zone so that you can let the tears flow.. The energy of sadness would just flow out of your body.. After which.. Let yourself know you will be more comfortable to go on the next day listening to dance, happy songs..

Every morning should start with a smile.. I always said that to myself.. A happy brand new start of a day!

pineapple signing off....
8:40 PM

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Independent Life

It's consider I providing for myself 100%.. bills, food, all by myself.. It's not as if I didn't live like that for the past years.. But this is now me alone.. I will have no Internet, no drama shows to watch, no cartoons, no MTV, no computer to use, no girgir.. Hai I will miss her for sure.. But in life decisions has to be made.. And I've made a decision which has to be execute sooner or later.. Instead of dragging time, I think moving out is a better choice..
I will be moving to bukit batok west ave 4.. To my grandpa's room.. Staying with my bachelor uncle.. I have to part east side where most of my friends, family, buddies and boyfriend resides..

I think living alone with nothing much to do in the house I will change my no excerise habit.. Build up my body once again.. Hopefully I can do it this time!

Korean school is gonna start on 2nd term! I'm gonna studying again.. In the mean time I am planning to go for degree cert.. Felt the need to have one.. And I'm also in option to switch my currently job because my management suxx at WPH! Haii!! People just like to make other people's life miserable!

Back to moving house I have to share some of my "what the hell" moments..
1) I have move most of my wear to work clothes to bukit batok.. --> well I do have some clothes still not dry I wonder why.. And I have to wear this ridiculous black dress to work.. Very formal like going wedding dinner.. That passes Monday..
2) I went to bukit batok on Sunday to shift more stuffs --> I think most likely I left my keys at bukit batok.. I couldn't find last night! Lucky my sister was at home.. Yes I was at punggol last night aka Monday.. Anyway it's the dumb blur action I will execute.. Leaving the keys somewhere..
3) Moving most of my stuffs at bukit batok.. --> I realize I do not have shampoo to use there but why I have body wash? Because I spent a bomb at body shop if you know... Darn it!

Now my bag is so heavy with my Korean books and makeup kit and empty bottle (of cause) and some other stuffs which adds weight to it.. Is making me shoulder achy!

I will be back in fashion shows on and off.. Glad that my help is still needed.. Means extra cash and excerise.. That job is really about stamina at times.. Lol!!

I also just opened a pg mall spree.. Oh busy busy..

Okies think I'm done here.. I typed from punggol station to farrer park.. Think for now it's done?

Oh annouxement!! Kayven aka my nephew is gonna see light tml!! And I mistakenly thought his name was jayven for 1 day.. No idea why.. Lol!! That's the first mistake I made for him.. Lol!!

pineapple signing off....
9:09 AM

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time is never enough!

Yesterday I just got my results for my korean elementary part 1... I made my effort to study and it really pays off... I'm very content with the results thou it is not 100% but shows I didn't sacrifice my weekends for nothing...

But I do know I have not meet Mr Leong for near 2 weeks... Hai... It is like work... OT... Korean... Tired... I'm so sorry but you also have that busy week...

I'm particular busy this month end because I should be starting to shift my stuffs to bukit batok... Yes... That will be my new home... A bigger room than the current one... Glad for the space but it's not consider near to anywhere thou.. unless I drive it should be near to expressway...? Else nah... Lol!! I haven't really start packing until yesterday which I only packed a few clothes... Looking at my stuffs... Not say much but I also can't say it's minimal...

I think I give myself too much stress and I cannot really figure things out at times.. Cause too many stuffs cramp together and the day is just not right for me... All that stress I guess is causing me headaches, pimples and insomia... But I can feel so so tired but still I'm not sleeping well... Argh...

I think I might have more time after this month.. But den again... Of cause... Meeting my family, Boyfriend and friends would be travellingssss for me... Arrr!!!

pineapple signing off....
9:11 AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dust dust... News!

Oh wah... My blog is so dusty... Lol... I decided to blog this post because I'm reading Yahoo! News online.. Lol.. What reminds me to blog is that news about this food blogger that expected free food eating at restaurants... Hahaha... After reading the incident and his responses.. I think certain things he is just trying to cover himself of being stingy and yet want to act like he is up there... Lol... High class......

And then more news... Gong Li is not divorced! It is rumours... People people don't break up people's marriage... Ok!?

And that bloody news updates!
Manila's crazy ex policeman who hijacked a tour bus filled with 26 hongkongies... Causes 8 deaths apprantly treating them as human shields... It ended when Manila police force throws a tear gas in and a hitman shot the gunman at his head...

Another new reports a Malay guy at his 20s fell to his death broad day light from shaw centre carpark! Well I'm having chills reading this news.. Somehow I felt uneasy.. Lol!! Hai... R.I.P.s to all deaths...

Looking at comments to all news... I find some people really have nothing to do... Lol... Some stupid texts... Mostly no idea why they want to comment to make commotion..

Back to work!

pineapple signing off....
5:16 PM